Flu Juice



If you have read my post from yesterday, then you know about me having the flu and my lung issues. Today is day 3 of my flu and day 8 of B's flu.

I started taking Sambucol Elderberry Extract on the first day of my flu and I am THRILLED to confirm that this stuff is the real deal (at least for me). No fever today and my cough is not as bad as B's (who hasn't had the extract because she was 5 days in when I found out about it). Other than the cough, I feel 100% back to normal!

Sambucol, henceforth and forever more, we dub you "Flu Juice"!

Probably our family's favorite movie.  When 2 of 3 family members are sick, there are not a lot of options for stuff to do.  We have over 200 movies, yet this is always the go to movie when no one can (or will) agree with what to watch.  Love the humor, the easy on the eyes cast, and action aplenty!  Thank you, Joss Whedon, for such a fun film!

By the way, the poster shown was chose with purpose.  Captain America was B's first movie star crush!  That and mama likes Hawkeye!!

So after watching the Avengers, we are gearing up for the Wildcard playoff game between the Bengals and Chargers!  The Bengals are Derek's and my favorite NFL team.  He has been of fan of Andy Dalton since his days at TCU and was THRILLED when the Bengals drafted him!  Should be a great game and we'll be hoping for a win so our football season can last a little longer!
Who Dey!!


January 4 -- I had to miss my daily blessing yesterday because of the flu.  It is making the rounds in our household, and when mom is down for the count, everything comes to a screeching halt.

In case you didn't know this about me, I once lived in an apartment that was infested with black mold.  I spent that entire winter in and out of doctor's offices and ended up wanting to buy stock in Floxin because it was the only antibiotic they could get to work.  If you're not familiar with Floxin, do a quick search on it ... ONE 600mg tablet will cure gonorrhea.  I was taking 2 600mg tablets every day for 10 days straight.  I'd get better, then about a week later I would be sick again and right back on Floxin.  My getting ill started about October, and didn't get better until the end of May.  It wasn't until I moved out of that apartment that the black mold was discovered underneath the wallpaper in the dining room.

Since that time, my lungs are absolute crap.  I have asthma now and every minor cold I get always go straight to my lungs and become major infections.  About 9 years ago, I got the flu for the first time.  I had always had colds that I thought were the flu, but until I actually had the "real" flu, I never knew the difference.  The flu put me out of commission for 2 weeks solid of laying on my couch and wishing for death to be swift.  Every muscle movement was excruciating, and B & D were 5 and 3 at the time, so I just had to do the best I could.  After those 2 weeks, I felt somewhat better; however, it took almost a month and a half before I returned to "normal".

So when B got the flu last week, I sanitized everything she touched ... including myself.  I thought I was out of the woods once she got through the contagious part.  Then on Friday evening about 2 hours before the Orange Bowl started, I start getting muscle aches and a high fever.  Once I knew I had the flu, I started researching natural remedies because I think the medical profession sucks as a whole ... another story, but involves Brooke's death.  I find multiple references on my research about Elderberry Extract as a flu "cure". After talking with my friend Penny, she confirms that her family uses it and it works.

When I woke up yesterday I was in absolute misery, but determined to get some Elderberry Extract.  I got to my local CVS pharmacy right after they opened and managed to get their last bottle of it!  Will it work for me with all my lung issues ... only time will tell.  However, I took 4 does yesterday, and have had 2 today, and I am sitting here at my computer typing this with nary a symptom other than a slight cough.  I did still have fever this morning, but after I took an Advil and Sudafed, I feel pretty much back to normal!  If it turns out to work as well as I think it is so far, I will definitely sing Elderberry's praises in a future post!

So what makes B&D so awesome?  After I got home with my Elderberry extract, I got to go back to bed!  I spent the entire day in my room.  They were such awesome caregivers!  They brought me fluids, meds, the Elderberry (D has named it flu juice), and extra blankets when needed.  They really stepped up and took care of me!  While I was recuperating, they played games together, watched TV, and just got along great. No drama, no fighting ... just me getting to rest and get better.  I love those two kiddos.  I worry about how much they argue and fight at times, but yesterday they showed me that when it comes down to it, they can really come together!

D has always had issues with allergies. First peanuts (thankfully outgrown), tree pollens, cats, and now we can add Axe shower gel.

D got a body care kit for Christmas from his Aunt Cindy and Uncle Bill, and immediately upon getting home he rushes to the shower. He comes out about 20 minutes later smelling as only a 12 year old boy can upon receiving his first grooming kit. Axe shampoo? Check. Axe shower gel? Check. Axe deodorant? Check. Axe body spray? Check.

The next day he comes to me about "something" on his skin. I lift his shirt to see him completely covered in hives. I quickly make the connection to the shower gel and tell him to take another shower and use his old body wash. Problem solved. No reaction to the other items, just the shower gel.

What does this have to do with ice cream you ask? Well, having worked for a pharmaceutical company, I knew that Unilever (the manufacturer) should be made aware of the reaction. I filled out an online form and gave them the lot number and told them of the problem. I didn't ask for them to contact me back or for a refund (since it was a gift), etc.

The next day, I get a call from Lillian at Unilever. She was very nice and I assured her I was just notifying them for QA purposes. She felt bad it was his Christmas gift, so she sent out free coupons for Axe shampoo, deodorant, and body spray (yea me!). As an added bonus since it was Christmas, she sent D coupons for free Klondike bars, free Breyers ice cream, and a free Good Humor ice cream multi-pack!

So, today's blessing is ice cream! Plus, it's even better when it's free!!

Great Neighbors


Today it snowed ... a lot!  The snow in the trees is absolutely beautiful; however, on my driveway ... not so much.  My driveway is 150 feet long and at an approximate 30 degree slope.

Normally snow shoveling days is a family affair.  I shovel the front courtyard, sidewalk, and the upper driveway landing.  The kiddos get the slope because my body weight x slope + gravity = disaster.

This morning, I decided to let the kids enjoy their school break and their Christmas video games a bit longer.  I went out to shovel, while they enjoyed the warmth of the woodstove and the Lego Marvel Superheroes on the Xbox.

I bundled up, grabbed my shovel, and got to work.  Next thing I know, I see someone walking to my mailbox (at street level).  They remove my mail and start trekking up my snow-covered, steep drive.  It turns out to be my next door neighbor.  Not only did he get my mail for me, but he had his backpack leaf blower on and told me he would get the rest of my drive for me!  I've said it before ... I have the greatest neighbors anyone could have!  God truly blessed us when we moved here!

One tiny downside for the kiddos ... while they celebrate not having to shovel, the drive makes an AWESOME sledding hill! A smooth hill, cross the road, and then into the neighbors flat yard..  They didn't have to shovel, but they lost the "good" sledding hill.



I am blessed with a woodstove.  Electrical outages don't affect us, and nothing warms you quite the way wood heat does.  For a person who is perpetually cold, there is nothing better.  Dogs curled up in front just add to the tranquility.

It's New Year's Day, so the kids and I have spent the day playing board games, looking at old photos, and watching football.  They will be grown before I know it, so I am cherishing this time!

    Who Am I?

    I am a Christian, a mom, a conservative, and a widow.  I also tend to look at the negative aspects of my life.  This blog will help me (and those of you along for the ride) see how truly blessed I am.


    January 2014

